Autor Tema: How to fix poor GSM signal in a telephone  (Leído 3498 veces)


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How to fix poor GSM signal in a telephone
« en: 08 de Mayo de 2016, 07:32:31 am »
My daughter dropped my phone and since that moment, it struggled to keep the GSM signal. I could get 2 out of 4 bars beacuse it occurs this is all a phone can get without a connection to the antena in the back cover. I managed to solve the issue and made a guide.



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Re:How to fix poor GSM signal in a telephone
« Respuesta #1 en: 08 de Mayo de 2016, 11:53:46 am »
Clever solution, thanks for posting it O0

Just one question: couldn't this additional wire lead to overheating in the device? L--i

Ingeniosa solución, gracias por postearla  O0

Solo una pregunta: ¿no podría llevar este cable adicional a un recalentamiento del aparato?


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Re:How to fix poor GSM signal in a telephone
« Respuesta #2 en: 08 de Mayo de 2016, 12:09:13 pm »
I don't think the extra wire will lead to overheating. But I believe it is not necessary. A bit of solder is enough to make a better connection between the connector and the antena in the back cover


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Re:How to fix poor GSM signal in a telephone
« Respuesta #3 en: 08 de Mayo de 2016, 12:20:09 pm »